Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Music To Talk Over

After years of hiding the fact that the love is gone, the last
child moves out of the house and Mom and Dad announce that
they're getting a divorce.

The kids are totally distraught and pay for a session with
the world's most famous marriage counselor as a last stab
at keeping their parents together.

The counselor works for hours, tries all of his methods,
but the couple still won't even talk to each other.

Finally, he goes over to a closet, brings out a beautiful
upright bass and begins to play. After a minute, the couple
start talking. The therapist keeps soloing on the bass and
the couple discover that they're not actually that far apart
and decide to give their marriage another try.

The kids are amazed and ask the doctor how he managed
to do it. He replies, "I've never seen a couple that wouldn't
talk through a bass solo."

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